Tutorial Windows 8: Add Shut Down command to the right click menu on the desktop

Navigate to the desktop.
Right click on the desktop and select New -> Shortcut. A shortcut menu appears.
Enter shutdown /s /t 0 (that’s a zero) in the location box and hit Next.
Enter a name for the shortcut and click Finish. A new shortcut will appear on your desktop.
Right click on the shortcut and select Properties. A dialog box appears.
Click Change Icon under the Shortcut tab then Click Ok in warning box that says shutdown.exe contains no icons.
Select an Icon from the list of available images Click Ok twice (once to close the Change Icon window and once to close Properties window). Your shortcut will now have an icon.
Right click the shortcut and select Pin to Start. The shutdown icon will now appear on your Start screen.
Drag the shutdown icon to a prominent place on your Start screen. We recommend putting it in the first column to the left so you will always see it.
Right click the icon and select Pin to Taskbar if you want the shortcut to live on your desktop’s taskbar as well.
Repeat the previous steps to create a Restart button. Use the command “shutdown /r /t 0″ in the location field.

That's all!

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